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The Jaidyn Leskie Murder - By Michael Gleeson

The Jaidyn Leskie Murder - By Michael Gleeson

On New Years Day 1998, the body of an infant child was discovered in Blue Rock Dam near the town of Moe in eastern Victoria. Although the body had been submerged for some time, the cold water in the dam had prevented rapid decomposition. To Detective Senior Sergeant Rowland Legg of Victoria's homicide squad, the child's face was instantly recognisable. It was a face that had been etched into Australia's national consciousness six months earlier. It was the face of Jaidyn Raymond Leskie.


The discovery of Jaidyn's battered body brought to a close one of the biggest searches for a missing person in Australia's history. However, it did little to answer the myriad of questions surrounding the murder. What happened on the night of Jaidyn's disappearance? What was the relevance of a pigs head, found on the front lawn of the house from which he alledgedly vanished? How could a society such as ours have allowed this heinous crime to happen? And, most importantly, who killed Jaidyn, and why?

  • By Michael Gleeson

    Format - Paperback

    Publisher - HarperCollins (1999)

    ISBN - 0732267706

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